There was heat wave in the city this past week and wouldn't you know it, my kids wanted to go outside smack dab in the middle of it. Coming from a casual but long work day, I was already tired, but I was also still thawing from the office A/C. I could use the warmth of the sun, so I took the walk to the neighborhood park and quickly rediscovered my love for the playground.
Tag! You're It!

When my sons decided to abandon me for the excitement on the basketball court, I found some little kids who allowed me to join their game of chase. There was another mom playing too, but I was the only one silly enough to not change out of my work shoes. At least they were a wedge heel and not stilettos. And this former tomboy was not going to let a few inches on a shoe stop her from letting her big kid show (I've been known to run in much higher heels - ask around!)

It only took about 15 minutes of chasing seven energetic screaming kids (still wondering how I always ending up being "It" and how the other mom casually made her way to the playground bench to rest without me noticing) to exhaust me. My kids discovered they weren't fond of the humidity that made the playground feel like a heavy wet blanket. The heat index was still over 100 degrees and we all agreed that despite the fresh air being a great idea, it was time to go home. But not before a few photo ops. Happy Summer!
